“Life is for exploring and so is nature”

— Lisa Attridge

Lisa Attridge de Gordillo was born in the United Kingdom, where she spent her formative years before making a life-changing move to Mexico in 2001. Her passion for health and fitness has been a guiding force throughout her life, and she has dedicated herself to helping others make positive choices in this regard. The mastermind behind Rancho Corazon de Nopal, Lisa helps people to open up in a safe space to disconnect from blockages and reconnect with their authentic selves.

Lisa's academic background includes a degree in Sports Science, which provided her with a solid foundation in the principles of physical fitness and training. She has also pursued numerous diplomas in related fields, including swimming instruction, personal training, sports massage and therapy, water fitness, and equine therapy.

Through her extensive knowledge and expertise, Lisa has become a respected and sought-after figure in the world of health and fitness. She has helped countless individuals achieve their fitness goals and lead healthier lives through personalized training plans, expert guidance, and a deep commitment to their success.

Lisa's dedication to health and wellness extends beyond her professional pursuits, as she is also a devoted practitioner of mindfulness. She believes in the importance of cultivating a holistic approach to wellness, which incorporates not only physical fitness but also mental and emotional well-being.

Overall, Lisa Attridge de Gordillo's life is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and a deep passion for helping others. She has made it her life's mission to empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being and lead fulfilling, vibrant lives.

Our Mission

We made it our Mission Is to create healing programs with equine assisted therapy, as well as wellness coaching to enhance personal growth, by creating a safe environment to allow people of all ages to flourish physically and emotionally with the assistance of our highly intuitive horses.

Our values are to respect every individual who walks, rides or is carried through our gates with the respect they deserve as a human being. 

It is our aim to create an experience of trust, loving communication and a place of peace.

We feel very strongly about treating animals and our human friends with the same love and respect.